


 ベントナイトの品質の良否は原砿石の特性に大きく影響され,用途により規格は異なるにもかかわらず200250300 メッシュなどのメッシュ番号(篩)でベントナイト混合土(BMSL)の製品規定として仕様書に記載されている。同一メッシュでも産地により品質に差があるため,市販ベントナイトの品質と性能を明らかにすることが急務である。

























粘土科学 第43巻 第1号(2003)



A Study On a Peculiarity of the Consistency of Various Bentonite Clays, and Interrelationships between the Consistency and Other Primary Characteristcs of Bentonite
Katsumi MIZUNO, Mitsuji KONDO and Masashi KAMON


A peculiarity of the consistency of bentonite clay was profiled on the basis of the consistency limits and the parameters derived from the limit data, and the interrelationships between the consistency and other primary characteristics of bentonite were investigated and described for eighteen market samples of Ca- and Na- based bentonite, and two samples of bentonite from high-density polyethylene geomembrane-supported geosynthetic clay liners. The resulting regression equation between the water content (w, %) at the consistency limit and the specific volume (f, %) was f = 2.55w + 100, where f is percent volume ratio per volume of the soil particles, and a factor of proportionality, 2.55, is the statistical specific gravity of the soil particles. Therefore, the regression equation consists well with the theoretical equation. Another regression equation between the plasticity index (Ip) and the liquid limit (wL, %) was lp = wL - 58. The authors believe the constant, 58, to be the statistical plastic limit, because the regression equation is of same type for the definition of the plasticity index, Ip = WL - wp, where wp is the plastic limit. The magnitude of the liquid limit and the plasticity index is basically dependent upon the content of the colloidal particle size fraction (that is finer than I pm). Thereby, the extent of the liquid limit increases with the colloid fraction content. The profile can be divided into classes determined by the polymorphism of the free silica impurity (quartz and a-cristobalite) contained in bentonite. This cristobalite contributes significantly to the amount of the colloid fraction, and it is soluble in a heated sodium hydroxide solution and a measured quantity of the cristobalite may be characterized as an intercept of the soluble silica at the zero alkali-processing time on the bentonite. Bentonite containing the cristobalite has a tendency to form a soil structure that has relatively low shrinkage ratio and relatively high specific volume, resulting in a direct effect on the shrinkage limit measurements. A direct interrelationship between the liquid limit and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was not apparent, however, significantly higher results for liquid limits were found at sodium cation / CEC equivalent ratios greater than 50%. The regression equation, Sp=0.04wL + 2.6, was obtained from the relationship between the swelling power (Sp, cm3/2g) and the liquid limit. The equation or the regression line is useful as a nomograph for rapid solution on the liquid limit from the swelling power that the testing is readily. An interrelationship between the swelling power and the liquid limit was described by introducing two dimensionless parameters, specific swell volume-change (fsp/fo, %) and specific volume-change at the liquid limit (fL/fo, %) that are volume ratios per volume at the shrinkage limit. The resulting regression equation, fsp/fo = 2.28(fL/fo - 13), was obtained. The equation describes that quantity of water contained in the swelling power of bentonite is 2.28 times as large as that of the liquid limit, and also, the constant in the parenthesis, 13%, is an additional dead space between domains or aggregates of the clay particles in the swelling power test. This is may be applicable to only the interaction of water with high plastic clay such as bentonite.


第5章 ベントナイトの液性限界と膨潤力

第5章 ベントナイトの液性限界と膨潤力
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